Unfinished Story of FOOT INDUSTRY 「Part 3」

FOOT INDUSTRYの未完ストーリー「その3」

We told you about how hard that "HG" series was born at last time , this time let us talk about one more regretful case , even though we did put it into market but our designer learnt so much from this , now I like to share it with you .
This type was made for matching "HG" series which was listed in product schedule in 2017 , we chose Flyknit mix with Nylon fabric material on the whole upper vamp , chose zippers closure instead of shoelaces.
You can tell from the appearance of this one that it looks like so much with "HG" , the material is different between the two , the zipper was made into starting from heel and extending to the outer upper ,to make the design like this because we wanted to make it easier to wear , to pair the style of wearing ankle banded pants as which one is the most popular style at that time .

As shown
above , we chose one bolder design on choosing the material at the zippers closure part , it looks like taking off the outerwear while the upper was pulled apart , to show more functional it cloud be.
But as the Flyknit material on upper was so close to instep , the zipper will make customer feels uncomfortable while wearing (this is the main reason to gave up on this one )

On season I we published so much design which was never posted , so many people asked, as "don't you afraid of any other one copy your shoes?","don't you afraid of other one sale the the similar one?"
The answer is "NO". any design is not just one piece of drawings , how to communicate with the factory, how to make a small change , only the "Father" of design knows these thing , designer revised it over and over again , thinking over hundreds of times on each part of each shoes , that is why only the designer knows the "point" on the shoes . the fake of "HG" series may have million in that year, it did affect our business.
But it is not means that we will stop for the fakes . I'm proud to say "FOOTINDUSTRY is the first Chinese original brand which has been counterfeited !" This world is too big , we can not say that all the market belongs to us . What we need is just to be ourself , to be better , Earn maximum profits by exerting your maxium abilities.

Life is too long. Just keep down.
Also some people asked us "why these so good-looking shoes are not on market ? "
The shoes design can be classified as industrial design in design science . That you need very complete stereoscopic thinking which was different with clothing design , that is why industrial design has to think about 3 points-- outlook , inside , comfortable degree , as long as there's one problem that's not solved, the product is impossible to sell, so it's important that the outlook of the shoes are good , but you have to ensure comfort and internal structure .

so many beautiful looks , so less useful soul
Remember this no-on-sale shoes , Thank you for bringing so much experience to us. Wish we could review this one to put it to market when we are strong enough on some day.
On the year When FOOT INDUSTY shows up , makes people`s eyes pop out . At that time we did not have any time to do any promotion . I think the reason for why you follow us because all of you just like our design .

That is why we will keep going on it , and we will continue to tell those story that we have not done in recent years.